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How to Choose a CBD Product
Choosing a CBD product is confusing. Here is some guidance!
What is the Endocannabinoid System?
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is thought to be 600-million-years-old. It is present in every animal species, except insects, and is...
Cannabis and aging: Catch Dr. Corroon on the Kannaboomers Podcast
Old age is not a disease. It’s a destination we are we are all heading for, presuming we maintain healthy habits and have some good luck...
3. The role of biological variability in Cannabis dosing
This is Part 3 in a 5-part series on Dosing & Administration: What is the correct dose of THC or CBD to relieve symptoms and treat...
1. Factors that influence dosing of medical cannabis
This is Part 1 in a 5-part series on Dosing & Administration: There are many factors to consider when determining the correct dose of any...
What is the difference between marijuana and hemp?
Cannabis sativa L is the botanical name for the plant most often known as marijuana, or pot, or…hemp. It is a member of the cannabaceae...
Does Cannabis affect women and men differently?
The majority of research done to date on the topic of gender differences relating to cannabis use patterns, effects and dependence...
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